Best books to read in your lifetime

‘A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies’

When somebody said it about the habit of reading and magic of books, he might also wanted to mention that a reader travels a thousand of places and meets number of people without literally going anywhere. For different people, reading a book may fulfill different purposes but it surely enriches the reader. A reader always gains something in one way or the other. A book can give an experience of lifetime or it might be an experience of lifetime itself.

For all those booklovers and for those who are not booklovers, still they want to read some selected best books, here is a list worth having a look. Pick any one from this list of top books and you might end up loving it.

Rich Dad Poor Dad – Robert T. Kiyosaki

Who doesn’t want to make money in life? Everyone has some desires and wants. Even if someone does not have a dream of lavish life, one would have to manage their finances. This book is a guide to learn how to control your finances and investments. It teaches you the art of mastering the money and do not let the money master you. Rich Dad Poor Dad is a book everyone should read to boost their wealth. Since its introduction in 1997, the all-time bestselling book has sold over 30 million copies and has been translated in more than 50 languages. 

Writer Robert T. Kiyosaki explains the formula of getting and staying rich in very simple words. Though, this formula is not a rocket-science, it simply is the rational approach towards the life which many of us do not follow. Considered as the finest personal finance book across the world, it simply puts the difference of thought process of rich and poor men in words.  Rich Dad Poor Dad is surely among the best books which one should read in his lifetime and also recommend it to their family and friends.

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You Can Win – Shiv Khera

‘Winners don’t do different things, they do things differently’. This popular quote from the bestselling book You Can Win is enough to give you an idea what the book is all about. Author Shiv Khera has successfully motivated thousands of people with his amazing ideas and practical approach in this book. It claims to be a step-by-step tool to achieve success and to reach on the top.

In life at some point or the other, everyone looks up to someone or something which can inspire them. This book is among those things which help developing an attitude, setting new goals and making you act to win over all the obstacles of life. You will meet a new confident you after reading this book. Read already by millions of people, You Can Win is one of the best motivational books of all-time and definitely worth a read. 

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The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho

This book always finds its place in the lists of best leadership books to read in a lifetime. Written by the celebrated Brazilian author Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist is an inspirational account of a voyage of a boy to find a hidden treasure, eventually finding his destiny. The novel was originally written in Portuguese, but has been translated in 70+ languages since then selling over 65 million copies. The book motivates the reader to follow their dream no matter what the situation is.

The plot of the book has inspired many adaptations internationally by several artist groups. The book has also inspired readers to develop a positive approach towards life. Of the book, the story is captivating, language is easy and the style is interesting. This international bestseller can be counted in the books one should read in their lifetime.

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The Parable of the Pipeline – Burke Hedges

In many insecurities of today’s stressed life, the biggest one is of money. One is not sure how one can ensure the security of their income to build a protected future. Burke Hedges’s The Parable of the Pipeline focuses on this issue and tries to offer some answers in a convincing manner. It talks about developing ways to generate residual income irrespective of job security. The author explains that no job is secure in today’s cut-throat competition. Hence, you need some smart investment decisions to become a millionaire.

 The author describes some experienced and successfully tested strategies to create wealth and good fortune. This book is your guide to attain personal and financial freedom. Author of many bestsellers on financial knowledge, Burke Hedges shares some simple and logical tips to diversify their income sources. He supports following both short-term and long-term financial goals to build a safe future. The Parable of the Pipeline is an inspiring read and you should try it.

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Attitude is Everything – Jeff Keller

Think, speak and act. This is the essence of teachings in the book Attitude is Everything, authored by Jeff Keller, a motivational speaker and life coach. But you need to read the whole book to bring some essential positive changes in your life. The book is about impact of your perspective towards people, things and situations. The style and language is simple and crisp of the book that everyone can grasp the thoughts easily, be a beginner or a pro. The author used some real-life and compelling examples to put forward his claim that attitude plays a very significant role in your success and failures in life. 

Lessons in the book are divided in three parts. In the first part, writer focuses on the thinking process of an individual. How one thinks and how one allows their mind to think is what decides your future course of actions. Second part of the book explains that your words are trailblazers. Watching your words before speaking is important as words have a big effect. Acting according to your plans and words is critical to get success is what the third part talks about. Overall, Attitude is Everything tells you to develop an attitude and ideas to building it because with a positive attitude you can achieve what you wish for. Do not give this book a miss!

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The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari – Robin Sharma

One of the most famed bestselling fictional self-help books of this era, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is an enthralling story presented in a simple fashion. Much celebrated leadership guru Robin Sharma takes the readers on a spiritual and cultural trip through his amazing writing. The book enlightens the readers to live a fulfilling and happy life. It teaches some important lessons of leadership for each entrepreneur and businessperson. The incredible thing about this go-to guide is it being an amalgamation of philosophies of the eastern and western world.

This widely appreciated book has sold over 2 million copies in more than 50 languages. The book inspires you to be the individual you want to be in your life forever. In the course of thirteen chapters, the writer tries to find the ultimate purpose of life and the key to the lasting happiness. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is one of the must-read books to enrich your wisdom.

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The Magic of Thinking Big – David Schwartz

There are hundreds of writers and thousands of books which claim to make you happy and rich but only a few books strike a chord with the readers on a wide scale. One of such reads is internationally acclaimed book The Magic of Thinking Big by renowned motivational speaker David Schwartz. The author does not offer some short-cuts to gain quick success but focuses on making a lifelong impact to lead a successful life. It explains what changes our thinking can bring in our living.

As they say everything is in mind so does this book tells you to think positive and think big. It educates you to develop your mind to produce such thoughts which can help you achieve what you wish in life. There are examples from history in this book to prove its concept which are applicable across all walks of life. It promises happiness, richness, accomplishment in your life just by making changes in your thought process. The Magic of Thinking Big is certainly among the best personal development and self-help books you will come across.

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Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill

Think and Grow Rich has become a part of many lists of leadership and self-help books one should read in their lifetime. American journalist Napoleon Hill, based on his experience of his conversations with many successful and wealthy people, derived some wonderful principles to help out readers. Plenty of people across the world have taken the benefits of these formulas. Apart from being an inspiration, the book is an interesting read too for the short stories and examples it contains.

Through fifteen chapters of the book, author explains some secrets of building a wealthy fortune along with being happy and healthy in life. After his vast research and analysis of decades, Hill came up with this engaging and helpful read which had already brought happy changes in thousands of lives so far. If you are looking for complete personal wellbeing, then Think and Grow Rich deserves a place in your bookshelf.

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How to Stop Worrying and Start Living – Dale Carnegie

There is stress and worries in everyone’s life today for different reasons. Most of the people do not know how to deal with these worries. Because of the much insecurity in mind, they keep on worrying for the problems which do not even exist. Worrying does not help in any manner but makes things worse. Dale Carnegie effectively describes the methods to break this worrying habit in his bestselling title. An amazing self-help book selling over 30 million copies worldwide, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living deals with one of the key lifestyle issues.

The book emphasizes on identifying and analyzing the causes of worry. It helps in developing a peaceful and happy mind with some simple techniques. The book covers various aspects such as overcoming depression, thinking positive and believing in self. If you are also want to get rid of your worries or seeking to help someone else with their concerns, then buy a copy of How to Stop Worrying and Start Living. You may be able to transform your life after reading this one.

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I’m Ok, You’re Ok – Thomas A. Harris

I’m Ok, You’re Ok draws your attention to one of the rising health issues that is mental health. The topic has not given the due importance yet in the society though it has been affecting lives more frequently in today’s era. The book written by Thomas A. Harris helps you overcome various challenges in a unique way. It defines transactional analysis as a tool to enhance your personality, relationships and planning of future.

The book is a practical guide to study the transactions between human beings at different phases of life. It is an interesting book to understand the psychic behaviour and take control of things better. Author explains the PAC model (Parent, Adult, Child) to understand the mind. You should read I’m Ok, You’re Ok to bring some fantastic changes in your life.

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Becoming – Michelle Obama

Becoming is a heartwarming memoir written by Michelle Obama, the first African-American to become the First Lady of the United States. It is an account of her personal experiences she countered while playing different roles at different phases of life. On one hand, the book is inspiring; it also keeps readers interested with intriguing storytelling on the other hand. You must read this book to get into the life of the most powerful woman in the world who has shown the world to balance her public and private life incredibly.

The book was an instant hit within first week of its introduction. Some sequences of the story make you emotional and some make you laugh for the wonderful expression by the author. Her story motivates you to become your better self with each passing event. Becoming is a book you should read in your lifetime. You will not regret reading this excellent piece of writing.

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Not any list of 10, 20 or 100 books can sum up the endless brilliance offered to us in form of words. We will update you about more books which you should invest your time to. For now, enjoy reading these books and deepen your understanding and experience.

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